Tharangambadi Nagapattinam

Tharangambadi is located at a distance of 34 km from Nagapattinam and it lies 15 kilometers (9.3 mi) north of Karaikal . There are a few interesting places are here (Tharangambadi ) to visit. Tranquebar Museum Tranquebar museum is situated inside the Danish fort in Tranquebar. The museum has a rich collection of major artifacts of the fort and the Danish empire. The bone of the whale is one of the major collections. The nice museum located on the shore. Glass objects, porcelain ware, steatite lamps, decorated terracotta objects, Danish manuscripts, Chinese tea jars, and lamps are displayed in the museum. The museum also has a wide collection of stones, figurines, sculptures, swords, dagger, spears, sudai, wooden objects and a part of a whale skeleton. Nice collection of artifacts, including some weapons, ceramics etc used by the Danish in India; the copies of two important treaties that changed the history of Tranquebar, namely the one between the Tanjore Nayaks and ...